Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST)

Hello, this article provides all you need to know about Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST). NUST is at the forefront of higher education in Namibia. The University offers various Certificates (under- and post-graduate), Diplomas, Bachelor, Bachelor Honours, Master’s and Doctoral degrees in more than 60 programmes. 

NUST Online ApplicationNUST eLearning
NUST Admission RequirementsNUST Tuition Fees
NUST CoursesNUST Needed Points
NUST ProspectusNUST Grade 11

NUST is the first Namibian higher education institution to have established a dedicated Quality Assurance Unit; its programmes are accredited by, among others, the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) and the Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA). The University enjoys a cherished partnership with industry, public sector and civic society through various initiatives such as curriculum advisory boards, work integrated learning and joint research. 

Registration Fees and Debt Reprieve

Self-funded students who have settled all outstanding debt are to register without paying a deposit.

First time students who are self-funded may pay a minimal deposit to register.

Students with outstanding debt are to reduce such debt to N$10.000 or less and will then be permitted to register without paying a deposit. The system will, thereafter, allow students to register once the account balance is N$10,000 or less.

Students are mandated to make monthly payments to clear their outstanding debt by June 2024. Failure to do so will negatively affect future registrations.

Students possessing a Provisional Award

Letter (NOT Acknowledgement Letter], from the Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF] are to register without making any initial payments.

Students who previously applied for a debt repayment plan during 2023 are required to settle 50% of their outstanding debt before they can register. Students who applied for a debt repavment plan prior to 2023 are required to settle their entire outstanding debt to register.

Orphans and marginalised students las recognised) should consult the Office of the Director: Students Services for special assistance with registration.

NUST uses the Admission Point Scale to facilitate admission based on your school-leaving results. Your school-leaving subject symbols or percentages are converted into points, then added up to determine if you have obtained the minimum number of points required to be considered for entry into your preferred programme of study.


  1. English is always counted in the calculation of points.
  2. Mathematical Literacy (NSC) is not accepted for programmes requiring Mathematics as an admission requirement.
Admission Point Scale

NSSCH – Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate – Higher Level; NSSCO – Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate – Ordinary Level (new and old curricula); NSSCAS – Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate – Advanced Subsidiary Level; HIGCSE – Higher International General Certificate of Secondary Education; IGCSE – International General Certificate of Secondary Education- Advanced Level, Advanced

Admission Point Scale
Admission Point Scale